Before you refer, please think about the following questions…
You cannot fill in this form on behalf of someone else. This form is not, however, the only way to access the service. You can call us or you can be referred via your GP.
Our service is for adults aged 18 and over. If you are under the age of 18 you can refer to the e-wellbeing service in West Sussex here.
You can check if your GP is in West Sussex here. If your GP is not in West Sussex but you would like to refer to us please call us to discuss.
If you will be unavailable for assessment within the next six weeks, we would ask you to refer at a time when you are available.
Do you have one of the following long-term health conditions, and if so, is it having an effect on your mental health?
A cardiac (heart) condition
Diabetes - type 1, type 2 or gestational
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions
Severe or uncontrolled asthma
Long covid - symptoms for 12+ weeks
Chronic obstructive pulmonary (lung) disease (COPD)
If you do have one of these conditions and it's negatively affecting your mental health, refer directly to our long-term health conditions team.
Self-refer now
Self-refer via our online form now. You don't have to let your GP know first.
Self-refer now
Prefer to refer over the phone?
Find your local team's number